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City - the horse whose life I changed...

City turned up in my life somewhat by accident. He is an ex-chaser and couldn't be more different from Mac.  He was at a yard where Mac and I were based for a bit, hanging around not doing much.  His owner didn't get on well with him and was fed-up with his antics.  He wasn't complicated, just a bit quirky and misunderstood.



I had the advantage of 3 years of intensive education with Mac, and having just spent a month at the Parelli Natural Horsemanship UK campus, I was happy to take him on as a project.


He just did not have any idea what the aids really meant, he wasn't naughty, he tried really hard, just didn't know where the answers were and that emotional balance was possible.


He would run away; either mentally or physically, and just stop thinking, then get into trouble.

I put a pretty nice foundation on him fairly easily (honestly, nothing has been difficult since Mac), he tried realy hard and learnt very fast.  When Mac and I moved from the yard I ended-up taking him with me (wasn't supposed to get another horse - whoops!) 


Today City is a pleasure to ride, my Mum hacks him on the weekends with me and he has helped me show novice and more advanced riders alike how to do things better.  He's an excellent school-master because he will only do it right if you ask the right way. He's a very genuine and honest horse that has taught me to me quieter and more subtle, which Mac and other appreciate immensely! 


I'm developing his dressage, which he is scoring better and better in, and jumping softer and calmer - working towards the current event season. 


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