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Our aim at Harmony Equitation is that there is learning available and accessible to all, whether you have a horse or not.

We aim to showcase demos with schoolmasters and client's horses that cover a range of topics and profiles, as well as being helpful, informative and enjoyable.

If you don't have your own horse, but you are interested in the fundamentals behind building a trustworthy partnership with a horse you are most welcome.

All disciplines, all levels and abilities, everyone is welcome.


Our demos aim to show you how to work with your horse, some exercises to try, along with some theory explained and the opportunity to ask questions.

Do let us know any topics you would like to see covered through Jennie's Demos!  Use the chat box if you have any ideas! 

Ideas already include:

  • The horse's psychology 

  • The Transition to barefoot

  • Lateral work for soundness in hand

  • Groundwork exercises for all horses

  • Feeding a natural diet

  • Preventing Laminitis

  • Rehab work for horses 

Liberty and Behavioural Demo. 
Sunday 5th May


- How your horse thinks

- Energy & motivation 

- Developing connection


Watch Jennie work with a variety of horses with different personalities and energy types. 

Observe body language and learn to read your horse better.

Learn what motivates your horse and how liberty can help create a deeper trusting relationship.

1pm start

£10 per person includes hot drinks and cake, if attending just the demo.

Or £5 if adding it on to a liberty/bridle-less riding lesson booking on Saturday 4th/Monday 6th (See our Clinics Page).


To book on:

Please message us via the Chat Box or contact Alyce via text or WhatsApp 07712453390 to book on.

Payment is via BACS

FULL : but waitlist open.

Biomechanics Demo: Rider Position and Seat 

Thursday 9th May, 6pm


A rider’s position is not only about physical lightness, but mental and emotional lightness too.


We as riders should account for our relationship with the horse and how we communicate our feelings (and vice versa; how the horse communicates to us) as it is massively important in the partnerships we want to build with them. This idea of reading each other’s emotions and lightness of the heart is key to the whole process.


A neutral seat is balance between the two seat bones and upper thigh. The glutes are engaged, and the lower leg (calf) closed around the horse but not tight, with the heels not forced down. The lumbar spine is stable, with the thoracic spine able to absorb forces from the horse’s back.


A neutral seat also requires the cervical spine to be aligned, with the chin not pushed forward, and with neutral hands being equally important. Our hands are there to maintain a light contact to provide the horse with a minuet point of balance - similar to a balance bar for a ballerina. The hands should never pull on the horse, and the horse never pull on the hands.


£7.00 per person.



Contact us or Whatsapp Alyce: 07712453390

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